Raw Keto Pate'

by Hugh

Raw Keto Pate' is a quick and easy recipe to make that will satisfy your hunger pangs. It can be eaten off the spoon, or spread on raw flax crackers or celery stalks. It can be consumed by one person in a day or served as an appetizer for a group.

This is a great recipe for those following a Ketogenic diet, for those wishing to keep their carbs low, or for those eating carbs, but keeping the sugar low.

The recipe has a total 737 calories with 7% of calories coming from protein, 74% coming from fat, and 19% coming from carbohydrates. It also provides a full 22 grams of fiber, which can often be a challenge for those following a ketogenic diet.

The really great thing about this recipe is its phenomenal nutritional profile. It’s filled with many foods often touted as “superfoods”, but I like to refer to them as just plain good healthy choices. As we are all finding out these days many foods fit the superfoods bill and this recipe is loaded with many of those everyday foods that really pack a wallop.

Raw Keto Pate’ Ingredients

1 Avocado

2 stalks of celery

1/3 cup pecans or macadamia nuts

1/3 cup raw sun dried olives, pitted

1 clove garlic (optional)

3 tsp flax seeds

3 tsp hemp seeds

1 tsp black sesame seeds

1 tsp black cumin seeds

1” chunk of fresh ginger root

1 tsp powdered dulse, sea lettuce, kelp powder combination (1 tsp total)

2 sprigs fresh oregano or your herb of choice

Water as needed

Instructions for Raw Keto Pate’

Grind the flax, black sesame, and black cumin seeds in a spice grinder. I use a little electric coffee grinder that I use only for spices, seeds, and such.

Chop the celery, and separate the avocado fruit from the skin and seed. Discard the skin and go plant the seed.
Add everything to your high speed blender or food processor and process until it’s smooth and creamy. That’s it!

Feel free to substitute the herbs and spices to cater to your own taste preferences.

Note: I buy bulk powdered dulse, sea lettuce, and kelp, and mix them together in small batches to add to my smoothies and raw recipes. This is an excellent way to get additional minerals into your diet. I get mine from Main Coast Seaweeds because of the rigorous testing they do for contaminates.

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