Fresh Corn Salad

by Hugh

Fresh Corn Salad

Fresh Corn Salad

A number of years ago I ate a version of this Fresh Corn Salad for weeks on end during a time when I was helping my mum sort through 35 years of possessions to prepare her house for sale. We enjoyed the salad together during our lunch breaks and found it to be very satisfying and able to provide great energy for the afternoons work.

2 cups fresh corn kernels
1 cup rocket (arugula)
½ cup finely chopped red bell pepper
¼ sweet onion slices (optional)
8 raw sun dried olives pitted and finely chopped (optional)
juice of ½ lemon

These days a person has to be very careful when choosing corn because GMO corn is everywhere and even organic corn can become contaminated due to wind and cross pollination. However if you feel you have a safe source and are in the mood for a corn fix, which I am several times over the summer, then this Fresh Corn Salad is just the recipe for you.

Husk your fresh corn and hold it vertically in the center of a large pie or cake pan. Take a sharp knife and slowly but surely start at the top of the cob on one side and cut as close to the cob as you can removing the kernels. The sides of the pie pan will help catch the kernels as they come off the cob. Continue to cut all the kernels as you turn the cob. Leaving the stem on the ear will make it easier to hang on to while you cut. You can expect about a cup of kernels from each ear. Place the loose kernels into a medium bowl with other ingredients and toss together.

I’m sure the first time you make this Fresh Corn Salad you’ll see why I’m so fond of it and it just might become a favorite of yours as well.

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Jul 21, 2013
So Good!
by: Anonymous

This was absolutely amazing. so simple and everyone at the table loved it. It was the first dish to run out. Making it again tonight.

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