Fig & Olive Spread

by Hugh
(Fairfax, CA)

This is a mixture of two of my favorite fruits, and as it turns out they are two of the most alkaline fruits there are. This is a common dish in the Mediterranean where figs and olives are plentiful. The traditional recipe uses olive oil, but I prefer to keep the fat content as low as possible. After all the olive are quite high in fat as it is. You can mix it up with your own particular spices and herbs or enjoy it as is.

This goes well on celery sticks or with other juicy vegetables.

You can use a food processor and pulse with "S" blade or use a blender to make this, or just finely dice the ingredients to make more of a chutney. Either way it's a winner.

1 cup raw dried figs

1 cup pitted raw olives

½ medium zucchini

1 teaspoon lemon zest

¼ teaspoon cinnamon (optional)

Add a little water if needed

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