Purple Weight Loss Cruiser

by Hugh
(Fairfax, CA)

The Purple weight Loss Cruiser is basically the same juice as the regular weight loss cruiser except it has beet root added. The benefit of the beet root is that it is particularly good for cleansing the liver. This might not be the best juice for beginners, but after you've been juicing for awhile and are feeling like going deeper this is a great juice.

This juice satiates, is chocked full of minerals, and is great for shedding unwanted pounds. In my opinion, the lemon really makes it, but you could substitute a chunk of fresh ginger root, or just go without it if you have an aversion or are out of fresh lemons. This juice also quenches salt cravings and is good any time of day.


8 celery stalks

2 medium cucumbers or equivalent

½ bunch parsley

1 small beet root

1 small lemon with rind (I prefer Meyer lemons)

If your beets come with the green tops intact I would run those through the juicer as well. They are loaded with wonderful nutrition.

With a juice like this you are not only cleansing, but providing massive nutrients in an easy to assimilate form that will nourish the cells of the body. With this nourishment the cells can function properly and continue to cleanse themselves. That’s why so many people have taken up daily juicing, the just look and feel better when they do.

A word of Caution

Beet root can be very cleansing and can cause loose stools in those new to juicing or cleansing in general. For this reason I would advise caution if you’re a beginner by either adding less beet, or diluting the juice with water. After you see how your body responds then you can juice accordingly.

Not everyone new to juicing or cleansing will experience digestive distress, but it is better to err on the side of caution than to have to go through it.

If you’re doing a juice cleanse or some type of detox and will be around home anyway you may be more inclined to take more of a risk and go for it, but only you know your own situation.

In truth a quick cleaning out can be a good thing for someone who has long suffered from constipation. Many leading health experts will tell you health begins in the colon, and that means one that moves two to three times per day.

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by: Beet

How do you wash the beetroot before putting in the juicer? New to beetroot recipe but i want to try this for cleansing.

******I have a little brush I use on the root to take away any dirt.

Beet root.
by: Dawn

I found liquid beet root. How much do I use for a beginner?

****No idea Dawn. perhaps it says on the label what dosage is? Fresh is always best, but if this is what works for you then great.

no beet root available
by: Anonymous

what if we don't have beet root in our country? what is the best alternative fruits or veges to that? thank u

*****no beet root..just leave it out and up the amount of other ingredients.

Cleaned me out
by: Nance

This one really cleaned me out which was a good thing. I'm going to drink it everyday for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. yum

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