Persimmon & Orange Green Smoothie

by Hugh
(Fairfax, CA)

Wow, I have had this one for the past several days and it was really good. The first day I used romaine lettuce for the greens and have since been using greens from my garden, mainly collard tree greens, collards, and flat leaf parsley. The romaine makes for a much smoother taste, and the garden greens much more of a bite. I would recommend if you’re new to the game you use lettuces in your smoothies and add in the harsher greens as you feel inclined to. Either way this was a very tasty smoothie.


4 medium very ripe hachiya persimmons

4 Valencia oranges

1 head of romaine lettuce

1 or 2 ripe bananas

Small chunk of fresh ginger root

1 Tbsp chia seed

3 lemon cucumbers (or equivalent)

Pulse blend fruit (except the bananas) and ginger root. Add lettuce and chia and continue to pulse until all ingredients are in blender. Add the bananas then blend on high for 30 seconds or less.

You can add a scoop of super green powder to boost the nutrition if you like. When I add super green powders I wait until the smoothie is fully blended then add the powder with just a very few quick pulses to mix. The idea behind that is lessening the exposure to oxidation, and that the powder needs no blending anyway.

You may have to adjust the quantity of ingredients depending on your blender. I have a Blendtec with the 3 liter carafe so it holds quite a bit.

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