Liver Detox

Pour some Aloe Vera Juice in the jar then add the juice of:

1 stalk Celery

1 carrot

1 apple

handful dandelion

handful parsley

¼ red cabbage

and fresh ginger root

Drink up and cleanse your liver.

***note** Fresh gel from the aloe leaf is best for this drink.

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gabbage and dandelion
by: rebecca

i really amazed with these word because i haven't found it in our locality? what is red cabbage and what is dandelion do we have a substitute instead of these two ingredients?

******You can use green cabbage if you don't have the red, and chicory plant is quite similar to dandelion.

fatty liver
by: rebecca

i have been a fatty liver since dec 2012. this was relieve feb 2013... will it be good to detox in such manner of drinking this liver detox now a days ...

There is nothing in here that should bring back your condition of fatty liver. In fact this is a healing juice. Of course you should check with your doctor to see what he/she says.

Aloe gel not juice
by: Only the best!

The best aloe gel you can get is forever livings pure aloe Vera drinking gel, it's pure stabilized inner leaf that's has a unique patented stabilization process that is 100% natural and they use cold press so they don't damage the goodness with heat or chemicals!

by: Anonymous

Newbie! How long will it take for the liver to detox, just by estimate? I know it will differ from person to person. Let me rather ask, do you do the liver detox for a while before going onto something else?
Thanks :)

Great question. Your body is constantly cleansing the liver, day in and day out, so as much or little as you want to drink the detox juice is up to you.

If you are very toxic you may notice improved health or improvement in symptoms in a week, several weeks, or longer still. As you say every one is different.

If you are relatively healthy you may just notice a feeling of better over-all health and enjoy good health for some time instead of declining with age. Much depends on the rest of your diet as well.

A person might drink the liver detox juice for a few days or a week then take a break and go on to another juice for a while then come back to it as you feel called. If you juice throughout your life you will enjoy much better health than you otherwise would have.

Aloe juice
by: Anonymous

Herbalife sells 100 % aloe juice and it's very good. They sell it by the gallon and it lasts a long time. I like their juice, give it a try.

aloe vera juice
by: louie

where can i get aloe vera juice?

Hugh's reply*** A natural food market or health food store.

by: Angela

Could you be more specific with the measurements for this recipe?
Particularly for the amount of aloe and ginger.
Thank you

Hugh's reply*** This recipe was submitted by someone else, so I think you just have to experiment. A 1" chunk of fresh ginger root might be good. Perhaps 1/4 cup of aloe juice or fresh aloe gel. Start with these and see how it works for you Angela.

not too harsh
by: Anonymous

I thought this would be really bitter and harsh, but it was not bad. and I know it's good for me. I'll being having this one regularly .

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