Light Bright Cuke Juice

by Tiffany

Light Bright Cuke Juice has been a winner for me so I wanted to share it with others who may be looking to lose weight or just get healthy. I know that few people will try a recipe that hasn't been rated (me included) so I know the recipes I put up here might not be tried until some brave soul gives them a try. But into my fourth week of a 45 day juice fast, the health benefits I've been seeing have been so amazing that I keep wanting to share the fantastic juices I have been making.

I have finally transitioned from high sugar content juices finally finding them too sweet. This is a great all day juice that is fairly green but not bitter at all. Thanks to Hugh in advance for letting me post!

2 large cucumbers (I've been using the super fat ones from the farmers market)

8-10 leaves Napa cabbage, which is milder than regular cabbage

1-2 cups greens of your choice (I tend to do a mix of chard, spinach and kale, sometimes with some parsley and/or cilantro thrown in)

1 beet

1 lime (optional)

1" ginger (not optional)

Scrub the cucumbers well and cut to the size your juicer will take. Wash the Napa cabbage leaves THOROUGHLY (the kind I get from the farmers market always has bugs in them, but they wash off very easily). Scrub the beet and cut ends off. Don't peel lime, but scrub well and cut just the ends off. Put all through juicer and enjoy! This has become a favorite of mine.

The nutritional benefits of the main ingredients:

Cucumbers are alkaline, a diuretic, great cleansers, and contain good amounts of vitamin K, B5, silicon, potassium and copper.

Cabbage with its high fiber content helps with constipation, the sulfur and chlorine cleanses the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract, and being high in Vitamin C it is great for strengthening the immune system. Cabbage is both anti-bacterial and anti-viral making it a superior food to kill germs, parasites and viruses. It cleanses the digestive tract, and contains good levels of vitamin C, vitamin K, iodine, iron, manganese, fiber.

Beets are a great digestive system and kidney cleanser. They contain good levels of copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, potassium, and many other nutrients.

Greens in general are alkaline and loaded with nutritional value in minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients.

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Tiffany recipe
by: jay

Thank you. just been out to the garden for veg, made a jug of your juice, YES its delicious !

****Wonderful Jay! Tiffany really has a winner here.

is juicing expensive
by: Anonymous

It is working out expensive any tips

******there are suggestions of keeping the cost down on the website juicing pages. Some ways are to buy in bulk, direct from farmers at the farmers market, or grow your own.

Also think about the expensive bad food your not buying when you juice. See the web pages for more ideas.

So good!!!
by: Joe

This was awesome! I'm fairly new to juicing, my girlfriend turned me onto it and this is actually her recipe. She told me not to post a comment on her own recipe as she thought that I was biased, but honestly this juice was so good that I had to comment. It's a good, light juice that even people not into green juices will love it!

Hugh's reply***I agree with you Joe, Tiffany is too modest about her great juice recipe. Thanks for posting.

It Rocks
by: Stevo

This recipe Rocks! Made it for my gal and I on saturday morning and we both loved it. Thanks for sharing your recipe with us. It's so good!

Would love to hear
by: Hugh

Would love to hear about the benefits of your juice fast Tiffany. And thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes with us. :-)

Thank you so much!
by: Tiffany

I don't think it's right to rate my own recipe so I rated it the lowest I could. I just wanted to say how happy I am that someone tried this recipe and liked it! I've only been juicing for about 6 weeks but at age 40 (a week away, actually) I'm upset that I wasn't turned on to this years ago. I feel and look better than I ever have now that I'm juicing, and trying all these new recipes has been incredibly fun! Thank you for trying this Stevo and I'm so glad that you liked it!

And thank you Hugh for such a wonderful site, I get all my ideas from here and I really appreciate you letting me post my recipes!

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