65 years young and on a Low Fat Raw Vegan diet

by Dave
(Sun Valley, Idaho)

I’m 65 years young and on a Low Fat Raw Vegan diet eating program (not diet!). I'm currently on day 22. I've gone as long as 3 months LFRV before, but always found an excuse (emotional) to go back to the old ways. Currently experiencing what I believe to be detox symptoms. Light headache, large amounts of phlegm, altered deep, raspy voice.

At the same time, I have great energy, no aches or pains. I am missing quite a few teeth which is tough emotionally (not from raw diet). Two areas of my mouth have been painful and sensitive but on LFRV have no tenderness/pain whatsoever, even though months ago a tooth broke off, and there's still a fragment buried in the gum. I use the feeling in my gums/teeth as a barometer as to what's going on in the rest of my body.

Benefits of 65 years young and on a Low Fat Raw Vegan diet

My gray/brown hair is turning browner. My nails grow faster, thicker. My singing voice changes, I can now hold notes longer, with more on-pitch/clarity.

Would like to hear from others new or relatively new to the LFRV, especially in regards to detox.


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Della, you Go!
by: Dave


Kudos to you and your stepdaughter! A raw food lifestyle can be a lonesome journey, and yet is offset by your knowledge that you're in control of your health, despite the occasional "learning experiences." How powerful is that?

And to your stepdaughter: wow, what courage! It takes a lot to say no to the medical establishment and everyone who doesn't question it, which means about 90% of the population. The subtle pressure is enormous.

Keep up the good work.


59 Years old started raw food Febuary 20
by: Della

Hi I started my raw food journey, on the 20 February,the reason I started was because my step daughter had two heart attacks was in hospital, and she had the courage to say no to having stents, she said she was going to do the Gerson diet, I was very concerned, as I have had a triple heart bypass, and I thought the only way forward for her was the stents, she sent me a link for u tube to watch a video for the Gerson. I then bought the book, however the first line said no screw in teeth, and as I have been paying for a root canal to be fitted, I did not follow the Gerson.

I have read sixty books on raw food, and have followed raw food eating, I feel fantastic, I ride a bike, run, do Pilates, use a trampoline, treadmill, and have regular saunas, I stopped all my medication, I was on thirteen tablets, I suffered from depression, lack of sleep, vertigo, herpes,high cholesterol, inflammation of the joint which kept me in bed for ten days at a time the first day I started this raw way of eating I had my bloods done, every thing was normal, except my Liver which was showing to be in a critical state, I have just had my bloods done again, three things have changed, My liver is now normal, however my cholesterol reading has gone up by 100 to 273, and my triglycerides has gone up by 85 to 183, I do not understand why this has happened, however I was on a 40 mg stating at the very start,I am reading what I can on cholesterol, as i am not going back to how I was before, the other thing that is a little worrying is I was ten stone seven when I started the raw food way, I am now eight stone two, I really do not want to loose any more,in fact I need to be eight stone eight.

It is true that when you start on this journey you come alive, you get a sparkle that every one comments on, I feel better than when I was twenty, as now I don't have to worry about the things I did at that age, any one who wants to feel better,this is the way.It takes courage to follow this route as ninety five percent of the population, eat the way I used to, I started a blog when I started my diet, and there is only one person who believes in what I am doing and that is my step daughter, my advice is only talk to some one who is following the raw way of living, other wise you can be swayed and that would be a shame.

I have realized its not the things I am doing now, that have made me well, its the things I have stopped doing, MEAT, FISH, DAIRY, I try to follow an alkaline way of eating,good luck, I hope you achieve your health, as I certainly feel I have.

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