High urine levels of oxalate

by kathy

Q I recently had a 24 hour urine test. It has shown high calcium, oxalate, ph and something else. At the time of the test I was ingesting 4000mg to 6000 mg vitamin c as well as eating sugary and chocolate food stuffs (since stopped that)
My doc recommended cutting out oxalate foods...which is just about everything I eat. I am following a mainly veggie and fruit diet with minimal protein and dairy. Not quite ready to relinquish them.
I am supposed to retest in 5 weeks.
I think the vitamin c threw the test off.
I am just wondering what your thoughts are?

A That is a lot of vitamin C to be ingesting and depending on the form could create several problems. Sounds like you corrected the obvious issues by cutting out all that vitamin C and the sugary chocolate foods. I think I would agree with you that that was the source, and your next tests will show if you’re correct. If they read high at that time then altering your diet or conducting different tests will help determine what’s up.

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high in oxalates
by: Lynn

Can i eat tangerines or clementines or mandarin oranges-are they high in oxalates?

*****I don't know for sure, but I would imagine so. I know oranges are high in oxalates. For lemons it's only the oils in the peel that's an issue.

Tahini butter (sesame seed butter)
by: Ellie


I understand that most of the oxalates in sesame seeds are found in the hulls. So hull-less tahini butter is generally lower in oxalates. Is this your understanding too?

Thank you...


by: Anonymous

Hi there

Is there a reliable method besides eliminating them in the diet to get whether your body has a high oxalate level and whether this could be causing my irritable bowel issues, and body aches and pains as well as sore teeth?

****Yes, a healthcare professional can give you a test (one such test mentioned below) to determine if they are an issue for you. Although it costs nothing to eliminate foods from your diet for a short time.

24 hour urine test for kidney stones
by: Skydave

Hi, I have kidney stones, a 9mm and 6mm, the doctor had me take a 24 hour urine test, my oxalate urine was 49 should be <45, uric acid urine is 781 should be <700, sodium urine is 254, should be <200, and sodium urate is 2.92 and it should be <2.00, so I haven't spoken to the doctor yet, are these readings really bad? And what too do?

*******I'm sorry, but I really don't know. I would see what the doctor has to say and if you feel you need more info check with a natural health doctor to get their perspective.

Black tea contains a lot of oxalic acid
by: Andre

A number of years ago, I spent some time in the Middle East, where all the time black tea was served to me. Considering that tea leaves come from a plant, I naively believed that drinking black tea should be somewhat good for me. After a while, I started to have a lot of pain in my feet. When I came back to the United States, I read in a book (written by Dr. Hulda Clark), which said that black tea contains a lot of oxalic acid that may be difficult for the kidneys to fully eliminate. Therefore, all that oxalic acid can become crystal-like and remains in the limbs (mostly in my feet, in my case), where it hurts (like gout). Learning this, I stopped drinking black tea and within a week, half the pain in my feet was gone. Dr. Clark also suggested to take Cayenne Pepper to help with blood circulation in the limbs. I bought some Cayenne Pepper capsules (which I took every morning for a while), and eventually, all my pain in the feet totally disappeared. Cayenne Pepper is indeed very good for blood circulation and for preventing oxalic acid to remain in the limbs!

Help for reducing oxalate
by: Susan Owens

Many people who have been told about oxalate by their doctors are being give a very old and short list, and are not being given information that helps them evaluate their dietary sources adequately.

Together with the Vulvar Pain Foundation, the Autism Oxalate Project at ARI have joined in testing something like 1700 foods, and also have experience with reducing oxalate in the diet with probably about 8,000 people. For anyone trying to reduce oxalate, please see www.lowoxalate.info and our yahoogroup at Trying_Low_Oxalates@yahoogroup.com.

Here are some guidelines for those eating raw foods.

The leafy veggies to worry about are spinach, swiss chard, rhubarb, and field greens are extraordinarily high, but lettuces are fine, and so are arugula and most kale. Okra and beets are high. All citrus fruit peel is very high, and that may be an issue for peel in general, though we need to know more. The worst fruits are kiwifruit and star fruit but there are also concerns with guava, pomegranate, cactus, figs, and in quantity apricots,papaya, blackberries or persimmons. Among citrus, clementines and grapefruit are high, but oranges and lemons and limes are fine. You just have to know how to be selective!

Most nuts are very high in oxalate, but the lower ones are pecans and pistachio nuts, and sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Sesame seeds and poppy seeds are extremely high, so that goes for tahini, as well.

The worst kind of oxalate, because it absorbs better, is the soluble oxalate, so this is an issue with juicing, because the juice may contain a higher percent of the soluble oxalate.

How can you tell if you are developing an oxalate problem? You might have trouble with your teeth, or pain, like bone pain or GI pain. You might stop growing if you are a child, or have trouble putting on needed weight as an adult. You might develop sleep issues, or fibro, or chronic fatigue, or other chronic pain, especially at the site of an old injury. You might develop food sensitivities and chronic congestion. You might start having muscle weakness or loss of muscle mass, despite exercise. You might have trouble battling candida or begin to have anxiety or depression or neuropathies. You can also develop blood pressure problems. People with family risks for it might get kidney stones, but most people with oxalate issues don't seem to have kidney stones. Many people are shocked at which chronic problems go away together as they reduce oxalate.

Oxalate is a clear mitochondrial toxin and an antinutrient, and it disrupts mineral metabolism in a big way. For that reason, we are always very interested in helping people reduce their oxalate no matter what diet they choose otherwise, or regardless of the reason they are seeking a more healthy diet.

If we can be of help, please come come join us at our yahoogroup (that has 4200 members) or at www.lowoxalate.info!

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