Sweet Green

by Jenn
(Wichita, KS)

I was very impressed with this Sweet Green recipe. It was a lot sweeter than I expected, which is great!

1 bunch of Spinach

2 cups Baby Carrots

1/4 Small Lemon

2 Granny Smith Apples

The Ingredients

This is a simple yet very nutritionally dense recipe. Spinach in itself is a powerhouse of nutrition. It is high in iron and chlorophyll making it an excellent tonic for the blood and circulatory system in general. Spinach is high in potassium and sodium, which is why it can have an almost salty taste at times. High in B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and zinc.

Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber. Carrot juice has long been a health tonic at clinics around the world.

An as you’ve probably heard, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples contain pectin, a fiber that’s exceptionally good for the digestive tract, and all is not lost in the juicing. Apples contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Lemons are powerful detoxifiers and cleansers. It is said they can kill intestinal parasites and dissolve gallstones. They are very alkalizing and contain good amounts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

As you can see this one juice alone could be a favorite mainstay for anyone looking to greatly improve their health.

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by: Ngozi - Nigeria

The day I made the juice of spinach and carrots - combined, I vomited. i do not like the taste at all. What I now do is to drink the juices separately. is their other way I can prepare spinach juice organically to make it palatable?

******Juice can be very powerful because with the insoluble fiber removed the juice hits the system very quickly. Starting with smaller servings if you are new to juicing is a good idea. You'll have to experiment to see what works best for you.

Baby Carrots
by: Caroline

Here in Australia, when you buy baby carrots at the greengrocer they are true baby carrots, tops and all.

If you buy them in the supermarket they are as described.

PS I have a similar green juice almost every day - except usually cucumbers instead of carrots and usually some celery as well.

********Good to know. I'll be back down in Oz in January and will look for them. Your juice sounds very nice indeed.

by: Anonymous

Do you leave the skin on the lemon?

******Yes, when juicing you leave the rind on.

Baby carrots
by: Anonymous

Unlike baby spinach which truly is a different variety from old-fashioned big-leaf spinach, the so-called "baby carrots" are not a grown variety of carrots, but merely regular carrots processed through a milling machine to shape them into mini-sizes from the original large carrot!

Hugh's reply******This is true, thanks for bringing this up. Many people think they are eating baby carrots when in fact the "baby" carrots are milled from full grown or chunks of broken carrots.

begining to juice
by: Anonymous

Please what is your bunch of Spinach. I bought a bag yesterday and it is a large bag. Would prefer a bit better explanation of quantities in the recipes. When you have juiced for a while you will then alter to your liking,at the moment help re quantities is required Thank you.

****In the markets here you can buy spinach by the bunch, which is basically about 10 spinach plants pulled out by the roots, washed and bound in a bunch. It's equivalent to about 1/3 pound.

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