My raw vegan far, so good

by Jaime
(Niland, CA)

Jaime Jones of The Date People

Jaime Jones of The Date People

My raw vegan far, so good

I became a vegan in 1975 and began experimenting with raw vegan in 1979. I went back to eating cooked vegan after about 6 months. Then in 1986, I went raw again and this time it stuck.

The raw vegan diet has given me the energy and stamina required to do the often intense work of farming. It also connected me up with other health conscious and like-minded individuals. I can report many years of excellent health without any serious problems, except for a B-12 deficiency. In the late nineties, I went 100% raw and gave up my nutritional yeast and B-12 vitamin supplements. After 4 years, the symptoms of the deficiency began to appear. This was easily remedied by reintroducing nutritional yeast and vitamin supplements.

I am currently high raw and still 100% vegan.

I would highly recommend the raw vegan diet to everyone.

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Jaime is one of the hardest working men ever
by: Anonymous

What a great report. Thanks Jaime. B-12 and nutritional yeast is all you add to keep going with the energy levels? That's amazing!

I was raw vegan for about 16 months. The amount of energy I had is impossible to convey and regular eaters would think I was lying if I tried to explain just how much energy I had eating only raw plant food. I did include nutritional yeast from the get go, as well as seaweed and sometimes roasted nuts, and made tea with liquid aminos. A handful of times I had cooked veggies. None of that negatively interrupted my insanely high energy levels. A fat guy that couldn't run a block turned into a lean, muscular guy that could run for miles without getting tired at all in less than 10 months. True story. I live in the cold north and my hair was falling out after that. Then I got hungry specifically for salmon and started eating that and my hair grew back - even after having a bald spot the size of a grown man's hand - it all grew back. I think one's ability to thrive solely on raw vegan for as long as Jaime may be related to the attributes of his excellent character. Climate may be a factor too as the cold, northern winters drys out my skin. Perhaps even hard work is a contributing factor. More power to you if you can thrive eating only plants.

by: Anonymous


just wanna give opinion
by: Anonymous

I'm not 100 percent sure about it, but as far as I know, b12 is found mainly in intestines of animals (so how meateaters have b12) n in soil. Most studies about how vitamins work in the human body are dr's n researchers going by the belief that meat is the best diet for people. Our vitamin levels in blood tests, I think, are supposed to match up to the "healthy" bloodtest results, which would be assumed to be a meateater. Many diets in america but mainstream medical still goes by the meat diet, n the results we are supposed to have will be what's supposed to be healthy in people they've studied. No1 really knows how vitamins work, and especially will never know how they function in the body. If that's the same kind of nutritional yeast that's put into food that most americans eat, its actually dangerous n causes severe health problems. If you do some searches about it, it attacks people. Not sure why everyones so adamant about putting it into every meal, n it expands in bread n colonizes. Why would anyone want to eat something that causes a loaf of bread to rise by populating itself? Its a type of mold, n people already have to deal with breathing mold n eating mold otherwise, causing health issues. So no need to add it to food. People use it to ferment food n that's really sick.

by: Diana

I"m trying to start a raw vegan lifestyle. Unfortunately I did "fail" a couple of times consuming some seafood and dairy products. I was ill-prepared and desperately hungry. Did you struggle a lot when you first started?


***Hugh's reply ****

Hi Diana, (I must apologize, this message from you got lost for quite some time)

I wouldn't say you failed, you just strayed several times. Not important. What matters is that you continue to work on becoming a healthier person. Some people do struggle at first, and for others its a breeze.

I would encourage you to read through the website and learn ways to improve your success rate. There are loads of tips and recipes to help you on your journey to greater health. You can send in all the questions you like.

Be Well and Wonderful, Hugh

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