"Everything but the kitchen sink" - Veggie Blast

by Florence

1 beet
1 very large carrot
1 bell pepper
1 apple (cored)
3 stalks of celery
3" chunk of Daikon radish
1/2 bunch of cilantro
1/2 bunch of kale
some basil leaves
small tomato
2" turmeric root (or add powdered turmeric to the juice)
1" of ginger root
Process all through the juicer, then take the pulp and run it through once again. Drink and enjoy!

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by: frankeinstein

Recently I changed from non-vegetarian to vegetarian. And I was sad that I am not getting a good recipe that can make me continue with this vegan thing. Now from this veggie blast I was so happy to have a good vegan thing.

Sweetening the juice
by: Trevor

Using honey as a natural unprocessed sweetener has been a given for health-conscious people for centuries. It's made from flowers after all! Support bees, bee-keepers and your health by using honey. Maple syrup is also good, and delicious.

Hugh’s reply**** Honey can be used, but it is not vegan so for those that make that distinction it will not work. It is debatable to some whether eating honey supports bees and bee-keepers, but I do think you are right about that. If there was no need for honey as food then there would be far fewer bees and bee-keepers.

Maple syrup is a cooked product so will not work for the raw fooders. For me putting something cooked and processed into a fresh squeezed juice would be blasphemy…..lol. Sweet fruits will sweeten naturally without issue, but to each his own.

If it needs to be sweeter
by: Marilyn

In reading not just this site but various others I notice that the same question keeps getting asked with getting no responses...

What would you suggest using to sweeten the drink out side of sugar... ?

Could one add a little apple juice or some other form of juice...?

Hugh's reply*** Many places on the site recommend adding fruit or sweet vegetables like carrots to sweeten up juices and smoothies. It's a natural. :-)

What can I say... Other than "YUMMY"...
by: Marilyn

Well I completed the deed... And I ran the pulp through a second time... The juicer must of did its full duty the first time only got about a tablespoon on the rerun... I only took a small taste and it was great.. But I like my juices very cold so I'm sure it will be better later this evening... Lots of great reading, I love this site and believe I will be visiting it often... Excited about trying many of your recipes.. Someone commented about it needing to be sweeter.. Well I found it to be just the right sweetness for me... Enough said.. Will be back as I try more of these juices....

Trying 1st time...
by: Anonymous

This looks and sound good.. I just set up my new juicer and this will be my first try at it... Hope it's good... Have all the ingredients and I'm ready to go... Get back to you on how I like it and how it turns out....

"the pipe cleaner"
by: Anonymous

This recipe is very pungent from the ginger and peppers and raddish. I would add just a little of something for some sweetness to cut it down but not much, an apple, pear, or even a bit of pineapple... btw this juice is fantastic for a cleanse... will try to incorperate it in our schedule once a week, or every other week :)

I dont exactly have a juicer per se
by: Anonymous

Q I dont exactly have a juicer per se. I have a Montel healthmaster blender. Will that work just as good?

A If you drink it right from the blender it will be a smoothie, and if you strain it through a nut milk bag or sieve then you're having juice.

Either is healthy, in fact I enjoy a green smoothie every morning for breakfast. The smoothie will take you further because of the fiber it contains, but juicing is incredible healthy as well.

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